mardi 27 janvier 2015

Les renseignements les plus utiles sur la photo

Le meilleur renseignement que l'on puisse donner à n'importe quel nouveau venu dans la photographie est de se méfier de l'envie d'en avoir toujours plus. Au départ, l'on est tellement persuadé que le matériel est au coeur de la photo que l'on perd vite de vue l'essentiel. Le matériel a son importance, c'est vrai. Mais en réalité, un appareil photo digital standard peut prendre des photos d'exceptions, pourvu que les conditions qui lui sont favorables soient présentes. C'est ainsi que se différencient les modèles. Certains permettent de prendre de bonnes photos quelles que soient les conditions tandis que d'autres ne le pourront pas, notamment lorsque la qualité de la lumière diminue. Choisissez votre meilleur photographe de mariage en Suisse Romande en tenant compte de son équipement est un conseil sage. Avec CreativeView vous êtes certains de choisir le meilleur exclusivement.

vendredi 23 janvier 2015

What do you really need for your corporate photography ?

What is your photo's purpose : impressing potential clients with a Bride's portraiture or looking for different photo-card business ? In reality, there are people who have more of these needs while someone are in need of it all.

This is the corporate photographer’s job, to help you produce the results you want and more.  

There is nothing more disturbing that a corporate photographer who doesn’t know what he’s doing, takes a bad picture of you and your company and charges you a fortune for it. Wedding photographers in creativeviewphoto don’t believe any rushed job can do good. In fact, that take so much pride and passion in wedding photography that many of them are award-winners, and the others are with over ten to twenty years experience.

Your wedding photographer will be sure to listen to your requests, each and every one.  Read below to discover the top qualifications for an excellent corporate photographer that makes Raleigh photographers stand out against the others.

jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Tips for Better Composition of Seascape Photographs

I do not believe that in photography there are absolute rules of composition, but it is undeniable that certain compositions work better than others. Why? Probably because our brain is the result of millions of years of evolution, and as in two dots and a line we recognize a face (you don’t believe me? Have […]

The post Tips for Better Composition of Seascape Photographs by Francesco Gola appeared first on Digital Photography School.

mardi 20 janvier 2015

Off to a Fast Start

The year, that is. The facts of the calendar. The pace. Not me, really. I haven’t accelerated at all. In fact, I might have lost a gear along the way. It’s barely mid-January, and I’m already in danger of being ...

The post Off to a Fast Start appeared first on Joe McNally's Blog.

lundi 19 janvier 2015

The Workflow Process With Jonathan Skow

Vinpix joins us again on FBlog. He took Jonathon Skow aside to find out how the

dimanche 18 janvier 2015

Sarah DeAnna On Working With Photographers

Sarah DeAnna, top fashion model, shares her experience working as a model for both male

Creative View Photographie

Creative View PhotographieAs long as teaching and learning in a way perfectly adapted to your audience, the need of real professionals is more and more important those days. You can see photos within the video here. As long as wedding photography is involved with you should try to learn how improve your skills by yourself. CreativeViewPhoto is really great for this and can teach you a lot only by viewing their photographs.

Working as a group too is important and as teaching is involved, there no need to look anywhere else. You'll definitely need to check this out.  

More on this also on known as CreativeView

samedi 17 janvier 2015

A Super Simple Way to Make Landscape Photos POP Using Lightroom

It seems like virtually all outdoor or landscape photographs suffer from the same illness when they come out of the camera. The symptoms are: An overly bright sky Foreground that is too dark A general lack of color and contrast. Sound familiar? Fortunately, there is a cure for this ailment. Actually, as anyone who has […]

The post A Super Simple Way to Make Landscape Photos POP Using Lightroom by Jim Hamel appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Body Image Of A Model With Sarah DeAnna

Top fashion model, speaker & author of the book “Supermodel YOU”, Sarah

vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Weekly Photography Challenge – Music

This week the theme of the image collection was music – view the 35 magical musically inclined images here. Carrying forward, naturally your challenge this week will be involving music as well. That could look a few different ways depending on your own situation, what you have access to, and what’s in your area, including: […]

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Music by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Learnings Of A Model With Sarah DeAnna

Sarah DeAnna join us on FPBlog. After sharing her discovery story, Sarah is back to share

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Telling a Story in a Single Image – Tips from a Photojournalist

Photography is visual communication medium. You can follow and use some rules, through composition and technique – but photojournalism takes it a step farther and states facts and gives information that is true and real. You need to follow two basic pillars to be an ethical photojournalist. Those principles are: you do not manipulate your […]

The post Telling a Story in a Single Image – Tips from a Photojournalist by Felipe Passolas appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Beginnings Of A Model With Sarah DeAnna

Today, we have top fashion model, speaker & author of the book

Best of wedding photography in Switzerland

You'll definitely want to discover CreativeView's work online as they are a team of professional photographers working between Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne and Valais.

“Anyone can take a picture of poverty; it’s easy to focus on the dirt and hurt of the poor. It’s much harder—and much more needful—to pry under that dirt and reveal the beauty and dignity of people that, but for their birth into a place and circumstance different from our own, are just like ourselves. I want my images to tell the story of those people and to move us beyond pity to justice and mercy.” 
― David duChemin

You can appreciate their work on their website on or by viewing this video

mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Fashion Photography Lighting Is Overrated

We have a post by fashion photographer, Per Zennstrom on FPBlog. Per shares his thoughts

Games Your Teenager Will Adore

Games Your Teenager Will AdoreAѕ we start our jоurnеy to Drop and the amazing games linеd up fоr launch thіs Holiday there arе nonetheless a few conventions to come alongside аnd sрrіng somе awesome bulletins and games оn uѕ. Right herе arе a few upcoming gamіng convеntіоns tо gеt excited abоut.

First article
